After a weekend of disbelief and thunderstruckness it’s time to move on with a good English Bitter brewed in Northampton. We love you guys, even if you do funny things sometimes.
RH: “Thanks for the vote of confidence Martin. We love you too 😀
JF: “Martin, you think it was a silly idea, please, as an expat I really haven’t looked into it too much except I do know that I am sick of France and Germany bullying England, telling England what she can and cannot do etc etc etc. I would love to know why you, as a German, think it’s a bad idea we leave the UK. Trying to start a stimulating conversation here, not an argument “
MG: “Just because I am a European by heart and I am with the young people in the UK who it seems overwhelmingly voted for stay because all the advantages they see in their future lives in a membership. And because I am worried about populism and the simple messages and the damage it does, also back in Germany, or in particular back in Germany, in Austria, in France and in the US, or here, and because I believe that in the future with China emerging as a super power and Russia re-emerging and the turmoil in the middle east individual countries become irrelevant and will be steamrolled, and because I think now the Scots will leave in the medium term and the Great Kingdom might become a Small Kingdom, and I don’t believe in simple solutions for an increasingly complex world, and… and… and… and probably because I am German – I do appreciate a lot that the EU has ensured peace in a continent that was torn apart by so many wars, and I think that is worth all the withstanding of bullying that might be necessary in any group that consists of more than one. Anyway, it is a decision of the Brits, and I respect that, but I still personally can find it the wrong thing to do, for the rest of Europe, and the Brits who voted for Remain.”
“Oh, yes, I forgot. Because I seriously thought about buying some property somewhere in the UK and had already had a first attempt with my brother and now the insecurity about the future makes that a less likely option.”
JF:”Very interesting. I agree with a lot of what you say to be honest. I don’t think the EU prevents many Wars though, they allow too many still I believe but I have a huge problem with several countries who are causing all these wars. I do believe something needed to be done to make Englanders understand a little more about what being in the EU actually meant. Don’t forget, England is not out of the EU yet. Someone has to formally resign from the EU and we currently have no Prime Minister as far as I can tell.
I intend to move to Spain, so it really makes no difference to me though it maybe a little more difficult to move there.”
BC: “Well said, Martin…as a Belgian I feel same European feeling and would not have said better!”
JF: “It is strange though, given how “great” the EU is, that now Britain has voted to leave, other countries are queuing up to do the same. The backlash and doom and gloom didnt really last long, we survived very well before the EU and no doubt will do after. Guaranteed, unless people like Merkel keep their chips on their shoulders there will be no great changes as far as moving around Europe on a British Passport. I think we could talk about the pro’s and con’s all day and night but all we can do now is let the dust settle. We haven’t officially resigned from the EU so far anyway, thats the next major step, to see who has the balls to actully do what the people want.”