There is a life after Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Amazon etc.
Suck it up and get out of your Rabbit Hole
An open exchange on Facebook after announcing the I am leaving
Big Brother Google
Check what Google AI concludes from your photos
Und Tschüss Twitter
For too long I was threatening to jump ship, but then lingering on the deck. Not anymore.
I am glad I quit Facebook
Facebook stored hundreds of millions of passwords unprotected | Technology | The Guardian
I am glad I have quit Facebook
Facebook knew of Cambridge Analytica data misuse earlier than reported – court filing | UK news | The Guardian
Glad to have quit Facebook
Mark Zuckerberg, four days on, your silence on Christchurch is deafening | Toby Manhire | Opinion | The Guardian
“I don’t believe our species can survive unless we fix this.”
Jaron Lanier expressed exactly the reasons why I done use Google privately and deleted Facebook: Facebook and Google are dangerous […]
Netzpionier Jaron Lanier: Social Media macht Politik unmöglich
Der einstige Tech-Guru Jaron Lanier plädiert in seinem neuen Buch dafür, sich von sozialen Netzwerken zu verabschieden: Die Webdienste füllten […]
#DeleteFacebook. I have finally done it
A supposedly simple task that almost turned into a social study.
I’m angry at Facebook – but I’m also addicted. How do I break free? | Technology | The Guardian Not […]
Artificial intelligence dystopia
“We need a digital economy where our data and our attention is not for sale to the highest bidding authoritarian […]
Sail to Pandan: Maya Maya to Puerto Galera
Part 2 of the Epic Trip. March 23-27, 2018.
Sail to Pandan: Transfer from Talisay to Maya Maya
Part 1 of the Epic Trip. March 18-22.
Broken Pedelec Li-Ion Battery
From one week to the other my electrical bicycle battery did not work anymore. One battery cell got busted. I […]
Sail to Pandan: Finished renovating Magayon II’s trailer
Magayon II’s roadworthy trailer was after 8 years quite rotten. The wooden floor and sidewalls needed to be re-done. Ants […]
“Social credit system” and AI, those scare the hell out of me
In particular if an autocratic regime without checks and balances determines what is socially right and wrong. And develops AI. […]
Flat-Earthers, bumbling idiots
I have to comment since I come across this nonsense more frequently these days. Just observe a ship going towards […]
Trump killing Harley Davidson?
Harley-Davidson Breaks Silence on EU’s Potential Tariffs – misleading title, blaming the EU, steel is also going to be more […]