Junkers Ju52
Apollo 13
Still relevant today When an oxygen tank blew during the 1970 Nasa moonshot, the successful rescue mission was thanks to […]
My Billiard Place
Schelling Salon in München
Polynesians – actually Filipinos?
New study suggests that the Philippines is the ancestral homeland of Polynesians
Vietnam War documentary
It appears to me that what the Nixon administration back then tried to do to the youth, Trump is doing […]
Die Nacht in der die Welt fast untergegangen ist. 
Es gibt immer noch ein paar Helden.
Macron warns of Nato ‘brain death’
I agree 100%, also with the danger of Europe becoming insignificant
Krottorf im Harzvorland
By Dr. Helmut Gummert.A historical book about the village where the Gummerts come from.
Let’s dive
Wreckage of aircraft carrier, USS Lexington, sunk in WWII found in Pacific