Engineering gone wrong
Moving beyond growth
is not only desirable — it is essential
Und Tschüss Twitter
For too long I was threatening to jump ship, but then lingering on the deck. Not anymore.
Facebook = North Korea?
The Guardian
We lived the European dream.
Will any politician stand up for open borders? Guardian
“There is no greater illustration of corporate America’s moral decay than Amazon”
I fully agree. Source: Ross Barkan | Opinion | The Guardian
PGYC Easter Regatta 2020
Unfortunately the regatta was cancelled because of the coronavirus lockdown. We keep this blog entry anyway.
Vietnam War documentary
It appears to me that what the Nixon administration back then tried to do to the youth, Trump is doing […]
Escape from a destroyed earth?
First potentially habitable Earth-size planet discovered by TESS mission, and it’s nearby – CNN
Die Nacht in der die Welt fast untergegangen ist. 
Es gibt immer noch ein paar Helden.
Criminals against humanity
The Koch brothers tried to build a plutocracy in the name of freedom – Nathan Robinson Opinion – The Guardian
‘Climate apartheid’
‘Climate apartheid’ between rich and poor looms, UN expert warns – BBC News
8.3bn tons of plastic since 1950
Humans have made 8.3bn tons of plastic since 1950. This is the illustrated story of where it’s gone | US […]
Tax the rich more?
From the rich: Tax the rich more
German East-West Exodus
East-West Exodus: The Millions Who Left | ZEIT ONLINE
Systemic collapse unavoidable?
Climate and economic risks ‘threaten 2008-style systemic collapse’ – are we heading for the catastrophe?