Huawei’s lawsuit against US goes to the heart of Trump’s China trade war – CNN
The Epic Saga continues..
So finally, three months later, Magayon II is on her way back from Pandan Island to Puerto Galera.
Toolbag for mini screw drivers
My tools are a mess. I never find the one I need. Check this out.
Helmpflicht auf dem Fahrrad?
Infos für Radfahrer 2019
I am glad I quit Facebook
Facebook stored hundreds of millions of passwords unprotected | Technology | The Guardian
I am glad I have quit Facebook
Facebook knew of Cambridge Analytica data misuse earlier than reported – court filing | UK news | The Guardian
Glad to have quit Facebook
Mark Zuckerberg, four days on, your silence on Christchurch is deafening | Toby Manhire | Opinion | The Guardian
Shocking flaws of oversight
Dieselgate seems to be small fish compared to this.
Too much technology?
“Should Airplanes Be Flying Themselves?” Vanity Fair
“Digitalisierung in China: Sei eine 1 – oder du bist eine 0 – SPIEGEL ONLINE”
Facebook – Privacy? They are joking!
The Evolution of Privacy on Facebook
Arrows Across America
Arrows Across America- concrete arrows
Go Europe, Go
Europe will fight Mark Zuckerberg’s plan for Facebook – CNN
Quiz: Populist politicians
Quiz: How populist were these politicians on the stump? | World news | Take it at The Guardian
A promising new type of American Politician?
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Is Coming for Your Hamburgers!
1984 – Google
Google Is Still Working on China Search Engine, Employees Claim