Dieselgate seems to be small fish compared to this.
Too much technology?
“Should Airplanes Be Flying Themselves?” Vanity Fair
“Digitalisierung in China: Sei eine 1 – oder du bist eine 0 – SPIEGEL ONLINE”
Facebook – Privacy? They are joking!
The Evolution of Privacy on Facebook
Go Europe, Go
Europe will fight Mark Zuckerberg’s plan for Facebook – CNN
Quiz: Populist politicians
Quiz: How populist were these politicians on the stump? | World news | Take it at The Guardian
A promising new type of American Politician?
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Is Coming for Your Hamburgers!
1984 – Google
Google Is Still Working on China Search Engine, Employees Claim
“Why We All Take the Same Travel Photos”
I have 300 Sunset photos from Pandan Island, the same motive each Pandan traveller has also hundreds of pictures of. […]
Germany replaces US as country with best international image
Thanks to the orange guy in the White House
Dinner together with IRRI Team.