May 1, Holiday on Tuesday, so ideal for a long weekend, except to my upcoming trip to Myanmar, for which […]
Stay strong, California
Trump administration drafts plan to unravel Obama-era fuel-efficiency rules, challenge California
Cleanup the YouTube Mess, its about time
I already thought about taking my videos off.
Outlawing motorcycles, I can see it coming
Series imagines dystopian future where motorcycles are outlawed From Motorcycles, a Flipboard magazine by jiteshsurana
Close a popular tourist island to make space for a Casino?
Is there a hidden agenda to what appears to be an attempt to clean up a beach?
“I am Wild” – The opening
Miriam’s first art exhibition, today in the Asian Art Cafe.
Are electric cars really emitting less GHGE?
I was suspicious all along, as long as electricity is not produced from renewables, the electric cars emit roughly the […]
“I am wild”
Opening on April 24, 6:00 pm.
Krottorf im Harzvorland
By Dr. Helmut Gummert.A historical book about the village where the Gummerts come from.
#DeleteFacebook. I have finally done it
A supposedly simple task that almost turned into a social study.
I’m angry at Facebook – but I’m also addicted. How do I break free? | Technology | The Guardian Not […]
Chaos on White Beach – is it still worth going?
We went for sailing last weekend. Because of the long weekend all places in Puerto Galera were fully booked. So […]
Artificial intelligence dystopia
“We need a digital economy where our data and our attention is not for sale to the highest bidding authoritarian […]
Sail to Pandan: The PGYC Easter Regatta
Part 3 of the Epic Trip. March 30 – April 2, 2018. This time we really wanted to sail to […]