Super 8 Trickfilm Clips

From forty five years ago…

When I worked at BOSCH I could buy BOSCH products at the company store for employees. As a family we put our money together to buy my dad a Super 8 film camera. My dad used it a few times, it was mostly us kids using the camerao. It was quite advanced and expensive, so it had a few special features, you could forward around 6 seconds of film and then make the camera take a short clip in reverse, or you could do slow motion or fast motion. Another feature was taking individual frames for making stop motion animations. Over the years we created a lot of short clips, mostly as little introductory scenes or intermissions for real life movies. Below are a few examples. Unfortunately the quality suffered during years of storage and digitizing.

Movie opening credits

M&M Gummert Rollfilm Leier
Gummi Total opening with glass globe
Another opening with M.G. initials

