Cloud based manufacturing services / Sharing economy
I should have known better
Why did I buy China made junk again?
Protected: Wasted three days of my life
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Blödsinn: Plugin-Hybridautos
Falscher Zauber
Facebook = North Korea?
The Guardian
We lived the European dream.
Will any politician stand up for open borders? Guardian
“There is no greater illustration of corporate America’s moral decay than Amazon”
I fully agree. Source: Ross Barkan | Opinion | The Guardian
PGYC Easter Regatta 2020
Unfortunately the regatta was cancelled because of the coronavirus lockdown. We keep this blog entry anyway.
Escape from a destroyed earth?
First potentially habitable Earth-size planet discovered by TESS mission, and it’s nearby – CNN
Die Nacht in der die Welt fast untergegangen ist. 
Es gibt immer noch ein paar Helden.
The systemic strategy that anti-vaxxers are using to spread misinformation
What a nonsense
Around the world in 245 days – at just £67k for cruise of a lifetime | Travel | The Guardian […]
The air conditioning trap
The air conditioning trap: how cold air is heating the world | Environment | The Guardian
Criminals against humanity
The Koch brothers tried to build a plutocracy in the name of freedom – Nathan Robinson Opinion – The Guardian
Lost in France. Maybe I should sell my BMW?
Fake moon landings
One giant … lie? Why so many people still think the moon landings were faked | Science | The Guardian
Tired of Instagram influencers
Icelanders tire of disrespectful Instagram influencers – BBC News
Fake internet
How Much of the Internet Is Fake?