Every time I am interviewed I get frustrated with the outcome. I have all these great messages, and only the […]
Demonstrationen the Solar Bubble Dryer at IRRI
Bimbo Isidro how cool is that!!! Salpar Rizal Similar with solar tunnel dryer Mr Martin ? Martin Gummert Salpar Rizal, […]
BMZ Rice Straw Project Inception Meeting, 2016
Photo of the inception meeting, Vietnam, 2016. The meeting will be held in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam. Two days […]
Thai Combine at IRRI
This video is about a Thai Combine in the IRRI Experiment Station
Sun drying of rice and maize in Mindoro, Philippines
Despite having some mechanical dryers most farmers in the Philippines prefer drying the rice and maize in the sun. Dryers […]