Warum aber auch kaufe ich auch so einen Mist.
Charles Bukowski
How true this seems to be especially nowadays
Congratulations, SKS Skipper Miriam
Congratulations for passing the theoretical and practical SKS exams. Well done!
Fight clutter
When cutting a thread or using a Heli-coil Repair kit i always had the same problem. What size of drill […]
Focker Albatros 1916
Eins meiner frühen Flugzeugmodelle, Albatros 1916 im Maßstab 1:72 von Airfix.
1966 Shelby Mustang, California edition
I built this model after my trip to the USA in 1996. It was the first model I used an […]
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Fight clutter: The electical geek suitcase
I finally created what i always wanted to have. The ultimate, mobile laboratory power supply / experimenting suitcase for electronic […]
Mega Hitparaden
SDR 3 sendete die Top 1000x vom 14. bis 19. August 1989.
If fish could scream
Merms’ poetry reading at the Art Cafe in Los Baños, Philippines
Wiping Out World’s Rarest Ape
Why I am worried about China China is funding this nonsense in the China’s Belt and Road initiative.
Desert Round Trip
On motorbike
Ladeeinheit ULO 801
ULO EBL 801 Blink-Ladeeinheit, mit NiCd Akkublock
Inside the auto shop that only restores Volkswagen Beetles
I thought they had stopped producing them long time ago, the CBS people don’t seem to know.
Er würgte eine Klapperschlang bis ihre Klapper Schlapper klang
Best news headline ever: “A Texas man decapitated a rattlesnake. It bit him anyway and he nearly died, his wife […]