SDR 3 sendete die Top 1000x vom 14. bis 19. August 1989.
Film making the old way – Super 8 and cassette recorders
Recently we attended a wedding. There was a photo team there taking pictures and movies with digital cameras. I had […]
My Beach Literature
one of the best books I read last year.
Summer Wine
Summer Wine. Sentimentaler Anfall. Abends nach ereignisreichem Arbeitstag im Hotel, Rückzug, irgendwo in Asien. Wieso überfällt’s mich mal wieder? “Das […]
Rock me Baby
ACDC & The Rolling Stones
Happy Birthday to one of my favorite Rock Ladies
Gianna Nannini turns 50
Good old teenage times
Good old teenage times. Quite wild back then when I was 14
Musical time travel