Not enough jobs in the rural areas in the US, on they other hand they have to rely on teachers […]
Blödsinn: Plugin-Hybridautos
Falscher Zauber
Model Steam Ship James Watt
This was supposed to be my masterpiece with real cannons. It never got finished.
Magayon II Supercut
Kanufahren auf dem Lahn
2020 war ziemilich von COVID versaut, ausser dieser Kanutour.
VW Bus T1
My iconic first car
How Covid-19 Signals the End of the American Era
Read in the Rolling Stone
Facebook = North Korea?
The Guardian
We lived the European dream.
Will any politician stand up for open borders? Guardian
Dawn of Asian century puts pressure on EU to choose sides
Says top diplomat
Apollo 13 Protocols
These are really interesting, if you lived though the moon landings as a boy.
Videos – Motorbikes
A compilation of most of Martin’s videos about motorbikes.
Protected: Videos – Philippines
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Corona Virus Lockdown: Learning a new programming language
A little blast from the past over Easter.